
Welcome to the documentation for MicroTracker.jl! This is a feature-complete Julia package that tracks and analyzes moving microbots in microscopy video. This package tracks critical microbot metrics including size, velocity, and rotation rate. Combined with easy batch processing of videos, MicroTracker enables high-throughput analysis across multiple global experimental variables. For more information on microbots and this package, please see the short paper.

Get Started

Follow an abridged version of the manual with included sample data and videos on the Quick Start page. This page also outlines the layout of the documentation.

Why Julia?

In short, Julia is easy to read and write, yet retains the speed of statically compiled languages like C and Fortran. It also provides Pluto.jl, a reactive notebook environment that enables quick interactivity with zero hidden state. For a more eloquent explanation, see the Julia introduction.

If you don't know Julia, don't worry. It is similar and as easy as Python (I'd argue easier). The best learning source is the Computational Thinking course from MIT or the included tutorial notebooks in Pluto.jl.